Architected and implemented a high-performance e-commerce platform for digital artworks using Next.js and TypeScript, leveraging server-side rendering and static site generation for optimal speed and scalability
Engineered efficient, type-safe API endpoints with tRPC, ensuring robust backend-to-frontend communication and minimizing errors.
Utilized MongoDB and Payload CMS for scalable data management, leveraging MongoDB’s flexible schema design for efficient product and user data handling
Implemented secure payment processing and checkout workflows using Stripe API, enhancing transaction security and customer trust
Developed a dynamic blog platform using Node.js and Express.js, using Node.js event-driven architecture and efficient routing and middleware integration provided by Express.js
Designed and implemented RESTful APIs to handle CRUD operations for blog posts, comments, and user profiles, safeguarding standardized communication and facilitating seamless client integration
Incorporated real-time functionality to enhance user engagement through live updates, improving overall user experience
Operated MySQL for efficient data storage and retrieval to enforce data integrity through constraints and relationships, ensuring that the data remains accurate and consistent.